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Nailing the live coding interview
The objective behind a live coding interview, from the interviewer’s point of view, is usually to get a feeling of what having the interviewee on your…
Nov 28
Hugo Sousa
September 2024
Built something so complex I no longer want to deliver it
A friend reached out to me the other day with a question:
Sep 30
Hugo Sousa
The magical dot
Programming language syntax
Sep 19
Hugo Sousa
Does your team have momentum?
Imagine a developer in your team, unprompted, did:
Sep 16
Hugo Sousa
Are we all library developers?
I’m not sure exactly what prompted it, but I found myself a couple of times debating the topic:
Sep 8
Hugo Sousa
August 2024
TrAgIc software development
I was having a conversation the other day about how agile / scrum can look so different in different companies.
Aug 28
Hugo Sousa
That's a nice id
Another day where a bug was because the wrong id was being passed somewhere.
Aug 14
Hugo Sousa
July 2024
The pitfall of Kotlin - Java interoperability
And why it exists
Jul 25
Hugo Sousa
Caching integration test results
Can we?
Jul 22
Hugo Sousa
Forcefully deterministic unit testing
Programming language design
Jul 18
Hugo Sousa
A good boss is the hardest to find
Have you noticed how it’s harder to have a good relationship with your boss than it is to have a good relationship with your colleagues?
Jul 11
Hugo Sousa
ORMs do not ORM
The discourse of whether using an ORM is good is making the rounds again on Twitter.
Jul 10
Hugo Sousa
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